External lightning protection - Single-family house

Lightning protection is protection against fire and, above all, personal injury. Lightning protection systems form a protective sheath around the building by intercepting direct lightning strikes and discharging them to the ground.

Product recommendations

Single-family house - External lightning protection Verbindungsbauteil - Regenrohrschelle Ableitung - Nummernschild Dachrinnenklemme Verbindungsbauteil - UNI-Trennklemme Fangeinrichtung - Dachleitungshalter Ableitung - Alu-Runddraht Verbindungsbauteil - Falzklemme Verbindungsbauteil - MV-Klemme Leitungshalter - Ableitung Überbrückungslaschen Schneefanggitterklemme

A - Aluminium round wire - Down conductor

Round wire DEHNalu 8mm

Aluminium round wire 8 mm according to EN 62561-2, for lightning protection systems (air-termination system, down conductor or equipotential bonding). Soft-twistable.

B - Roof conductor holder - Air-termination system

Roof conductor holder SPANNgrip StSt

Roof conductor holder made of stainless steel with tension spring, for ridge and hip tiles, for fixing air-termination systems on the ridge, e.g. for tile roofs.

C - MV clamp - Connection component

MV clamp Al f. Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw

Multi-purpose connecting clamp according to EN 62561-1, for universal use as cross, T and parallel connection of round conductors. Two-part version with hexagon screw and thread in the base.

D - Saddle clamp - Connecting element

Saddle clamp AI

According to EN 62561-1, for connecting round conductors with saddles. Clamping range 0.7-8mm. Clamping frame f. Rd 6-10mm. Version with clamping frame, lengthwise or crosswise conductor routing. 


E - Bridging brackets

Bridging brackets

For connecting metal claddings.

F - Snow guard clamp

Snow guard clamp

According to EN 62561-1, for connecting round conductors to snow guards. 

G - Gutter clamp

Gutter clamp with single-screw technique

Gutter clamp according to EN 62561-1 with singe-screw technique. This clamp is used for the lightning current carrying connection of down conductors with gutters.

H - Downpipe clamp - Connection component

Downpipe clamp StSt

Conductor holder for Rd 8mm (StSt) for mounting down conductors to downpipes (D 80-100 mm). Type PPS with worm thread and bead, fixed conductor routing.

I - Conductor holder - Down conductor

Conductor holder DEHNgrip StSt

Conductor holder DEHNgrip for installing round wires. Screwless StSt holder system, easy to mount (press-fit), loose conductor routing. 

J - Number plate - Down conductor

Number plate set (Al), cleat Rd 7-10/Fl 30

Variable number plate for round / flat conductors consisting of a slotted number plate, cleat and two slotted screws. 

K - UNI disconnecting clamp - Connection component

UNI disconnecting clamp (StSt)

UNI disconnecting clamp according to EN 62561-1, for connecting the down conductor to the earth entry. Version with intermediate plate for two round conductors. 


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Phone: 0113 541 8900

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